7 Inspirational Activities for Self Care
Strengthening our mind, body, and spirit EVERY SINGLE DAY is vital to our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Through purposefully creating time for each of these areas in my day, I am strengthened and energized!
A few months ago, I read Brooke Snow's book, "Living in Your True Identity". It is a fantastic book, that teaches about finding our true self and living in this identity. Brooke talks about the importance of strengthening your body, mind, and spirit in order to live and focus on being your true self. One concept she teaches is bringing all of these areas together into one activity to tap into our true self at a much deeper level!
Brooke says, "Rituals built upon activities that integrate the body, mind, and spirit will always serve to provide the deepest level of nurturing and care that you will find."
"When your body, mind, and spirit are actively united, your channel for revelation, ability to learn, and capacity to experience joy are infinitely expanded. . . The most nurturing self care will occur when you can integrate all three together."
I love this idea. Bringing the body, mind, and spirit into one activity to tap into our true self!!
Brooke shares several ideas on how to integrate the body, mind, and spirit into our self care for a more joyful experience.
1. Go for a walk or run AND pray, list gratitude, or repeat affirmations.
2. Pause for several nourishing inhales and exhales before you pray at night.
3. Dance to inspirational music that holds an empowering message.
4. Do a few minutes of yoga to increase the openness and breath flowing in your body before you read scriptures.
Three ways that I like to integrate the body, mind, and spirit into one activity is:
1. In my morning routine, I pray and tell my Father in Heaven what I am grateful for. Then I write down 5 of my gratitudes in my Anchor Planner.
2. I meditate for five minutes before I study the scriptures.
3. While I exercise, I repeat my anchors/affirmations of who I am working to become!
As I have integrated these activities of integrating ALL three areas of my body, mind, and spirit, I have truly felt my heart open and been able to be more present in those times. I am more motivated and inspired!
How do you integrate the body, mind, and spirit ALL at once into your activities?